We offer many services, here is “most used” list of services. Feel free to check with us for more offerings, we are in a unique position in that we also have network, computer, and hardware technicians on staff, so we can help you with all of your computing environment.
Most Common Services;
Data Conversion from other software. We have converted many types of other software into Parish Pro, like MS Access based software, (Acolyte, HelpMate, etc.), WordPerfect, MS Word, Excel, Dbase, DBII, Pervasive, Fox Pro, Paradox.
When converting from one software into a new software, losing data that is in the old one is not an option. We have great tools and extensive experience in this area, we can as we say “Convert from almost everything” into Parish Pro.
Computer Service, remote and during site visits.
Backups, setting up complete backup systems / plans, remote and on site.
Web Site, help, Design, setup, etc. We have a complete “Web Site” package that will help you with all your web site needs, whether you would like us to fully maintain and “host” it or we help you with it. We can setup, maintain E-mail accounts with the site, a full service web site offering. This has been on both an monthly price or a “completed” price. Call for more details.
Forms, within the Forms module, we add additional forms that you want, sometimes at no cost, others are a minimum fee. Please call us for a quote, it’s usually cheaper than most people think.